Sunday, July 8, 2012

Half Way There

Yesterday marked our halfway point working in Achham. It has been an exciting roller coaster of a time so far, and we are looking forward to how the remainder of the internship concludes.

Since arriving we have acclimated ourselves with the hospital, met its amazing staff, gone without running water for a week, struggled with minimal electricity, gotten acclimated to the food, gotten sick and hooked up to an IV, attended a wedding ceremony, spent time learning under Paul Farmer, traveled to several communities to meet with community health workers, traveled to the district capital, seen a number of success stories and patients saved by the hardworking people here, and seen heartbreaking cases that the hospital could not help.

Now that we’ve more than settled in, we have a number of projects going on ranging from improving the drop box system at the hospital and creating protocols for data communication, to writing the background for an experience paper on on continuing education for mid level medical practitioners and the curriculum for community health worker trainings, to fixing up excel spreadsheets, to carrying around furniture and painting hospital beds.

We are still eager to answer any questions that you might have for us. Click on the questions tab above and fill out the form and we will take the time to answer them. I know we also said we would try to offer a video update, but unfortunately, the internet connection is not strong enough here to upload anything. If you would like videos of anything though, please let us know and we will update them when we get back.

Nyaya has been an incredible host so far, and we look forward to the rest of our time here.

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